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Cit. V. Zanetti
In sostanza AIFA evidenzia, negli anni 2014, 2015, 2016:
- un totale di 21.658 reazioni avverse (8182, 7892, 5584)
- di cui 3.351 solo da esavalente (infanrix hexa) (1857, 992, 702)
- di cui 454 gravi (danni neurologici)
- di cui 5 decessi (neonati prematuri vaccinati a 2 mesi e mezzo/3 con infanrix e prevnar, due dei quali anche rotavirus) due in piemonte, 1 in lombardia, 1 in sicilia, 1 basilicata.
dal 2005 al 2015 + 40% aumento di bambini con deficit del neurosviluppo in italia
alluminio contenuto nei vaccini è neurotossico e facendo più vaccini insieme ravvicinati si supera la soglia facilmente (i 5 morti hanno subito vaccini in simultanea)
Per ottenere i dati dall'AIFA il CODACONS ha dovuto fare denuncia ed è partita una inchiesta (per omissioni di atti di ufficio) dalla Procura della Repubblica di Torino.
I dati sono comunque sottostimati (si rifanno solo alle segnalazioni) e c'è da pensare che l'AIFA stia occultando documentazioni in merito alla farmacovigilanza (dichiarazioni on. Zaccagnini)
la ministra Lorenzin è stata denunciata alla Procura della Repubblica in quanto PUR ESSENDO A CONOSCENZA DI QUESTI DATI dal 10 maggio, non li ha resi noti al parlamento, ed ha comunque emesso il decreto il 19 maggio IGNORANDO I DATI di portata di gran lunga superiore al famoso "1 su un milione"
Il decreto legge è tutt'ora coperto da segreto.
Codacons chiede:
- no all'obbligo laddove non ci sia epidemia
- esami prevaccinali
- vaccini singoli
... Se vi sembra poco... Grazie Codacons!!!!!!!!! <3
STOP VIVISECTION Audition in Brussels:
a significant consensus
The hugely successful European Citizens Initiative (ECI) "STOP VIVISECTION" reached an important milestone on Monday 11th May, as witnessed by the hundreds of citizens who attended the public hearing at the EU Parliament in Brussels.
A FIRST HEARING (behind closed doors) was held at the offices of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, which was represented by Vice President Jyrki Katainen, Director General of DG Environment Karl Falkenberg and several other senior Commission executives, all of whom expressed a shared consensus on the goals of STOP VIVISECTION (the end of animal experimentation). The ECI organisers were represented by Professor Gianni Tamino, Dr Andre Menache, Adriano Varrica, Vanna Brocca, Fabrizia Pratesi and Flavien Deltort. Despite some differences with respect to a definite timeline in achieving this goal, an atmosphere of goodwill pervaded throughout this historical meeting, which brought the issue of animal testing to the attention of the heads of European decision makers.
The promoters of STOP VIVISECTION proposed a transition period of five years, culminating in the total abolition of animal testing (in the field of human biomedical research). During this transition period all available non animal test methods would be made mandatory, all validations, whenever possible, would be done, as well as the correction of the validation procedure, not possible if based on the comparison with the animal model (that never was validated !!) but should be based on the comparison with results obtained on the human species.
The Commission expressed its appreciation to those who have completed an ECI and its desire that such an instrument of democracy be more often used.
A SECOND HEARING (attended by several hundreds of persons) was held at the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT in the afternoon of Monday, May 11. The hearing was organized by four parliamentary Committees (AGRI, agriculture and animal-welfare / ENVI, environment and health / ITRE, industry and trade / PETI, petitions).
After the greetings of the Presidents of ENVI and AGRI Committees and introduction of the Commission (Jyrki Katainen and Karl Falkenberg) the first to speak were the scientists of the Promoters' group: Gianni Tamino, Claude Reiss and André Menache. All three explained the scopes of the Initiative and the reasons for the actual very widely spread opposition to animal testing in the world of science.
The followong debate, entitled "Prospects for the current legislative framework, the value of the animal model for predicting human responses and alternatives to animal testing."
was divided in three "rounds". Each opened with the statements of one of the three experts (chosen by AGRI) in animal experimentation. These were:
Ray Greek, president of the American "Americans For Medical Advancement" (AFMA), Francoise Barré-Sinoussi, on behalf of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries (EFPIA), and Emily Mc Ivor, for the Humane Society International.
Ray Greek and Emily Mc Ivor strongly supported STOP VIVISECTION. Ray Greek with a very precise explanation of the scientific reasons behind the Initiative. Not so - obviously - Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, who, referring to her life's work, stated that the animal model should not be abandoned. The debate held in each of the rounds was fed with numerous interventions of Deputies (the only ones who were authorized to speak from the audience). Figures show the weight of a quite tangible success for STOP VIVISECTION in Parliament: out of 29 interventions of deputies 16 were in favor, 10 against and 3 neutral.
The CONCLUSIONS of the long afternoon meeting (3:00 pm to 6:30 pm) were drawn by Gianni Tamino. He asked the Commission to be given precise and trustworthy answers, and to reject the strong contradictions existing in Directive 2010/63.
A full awareness, he said, now exists in society that defending the rights of science, defending the rights of humans for health and a sound environment, and defending the rights of animals requires us to go in the very same direction: the end of animal testing. He asked that the period "Animal testing is still necessary for the protection of human health" be deleted from the 2010/63 directive and from any other European law.
An overall evaluation of the results obtained with the Initiative "STOP VIVISECTION" can be made within a month when the official response of the EU Commission will be given to the ECI proponents.
However, at present, at the date of May 11, 2015, the STOP VIVISECTION proponents are happy to say that a positive change seems to be happening , and that they have high hopes that the decisions of the EU Commission, in June, will welcome their issues in a satisfactory way.
To continue to be informed in the next few months about STOP VIVISECTION
go to the site
or call:
Adriano Varrica: +0039.3204549161
Fabrizia Pratesi: +0039.335.8444949
Vanna Pitcher: +0039.3358214023
Moving Beyond Animal Experimentation Across the European Union
Sometimes, the great transformative changes in society fly under the radar screen. That is happening right now across the European Union. A grassroots citizens movement to halt the senseless practice of subjecting millions of animals to painful suffering and death in the testing of toxic chemicals that affect human health is picking up momentum in every country in Europe.
The STOP VIVESECTION campaign ( is taking advantage of article 11 of the European Treaty, which establishes the right to introduce European Citizen’s Initiatives (ECI), to mobilize broad popular support. Under the procedure, if one million EU citizens from at least one quarter of the member states sign onto a Citizen’s Initiative, it can be automatically submitted to the European Commission in the form of a legislative proposal, giving the citizenry the same formal right to propose legislation that is already granted to the European Parliament and the European Council.
The STOP VIVESECTION initiative has already collected over 700,000 signatures from across Europe and is within striking distance of reaching its goal of over 1 million signatures.
For years, governments, corporations, and researchers have argued that the testing of animals to assess the risk of chemicals to human health is essential to ensure the well-being of our own species. But now, new breakthroughs in the field of genomics, bioinformatics, epigenetics, and computational toxicology are providing new research tools for studying the impact of toxic chemicals on human health that are far more accurate in assessing the risk of these chemicals to human beings. Antivivisection societies and animal rights organizations have made this argument for many, many years—only to be scorned by scientific bodies, medical associations, and industry lobbies who accuse them of being “anti-progress” in caring more about animals than people. Now it is the scientific establishment, interestingly enough, that has come to the very same conclusions.
A number of years ago, the National Research Council of the United States’ National Academy of Sciences—the premier scientific body in America—issued an exhaustive study questioning the continued value of subjecting millions of animals to toxicity testing. According to the report, and this is a quote, “current tests provide little information on modes and mechanisms of action, which are critical for understanding interspecies differences in toxicity, and little or no information for assessing human variability and human susceptibility.” In other words, millions of animals each year are subjected to senseless suffering and put to death despite the fact that the tests provide very little information for assessing the risk of these chemicals to human beings. Toxicity testing in animals is simply bad science.
The National Academy of Sciences report says that new cutting-edge technologies now offer the possibility of securing more accurate data for the first time on chemical risk exposure. Indeed, the architects of the report say “over time the need for animal testing should be greatly reduced—and possibly even eliminated.” Good news for our fellow creatures.
While the new methodologies for toxicity testing will spare the lives of millions of animals, they also hold the promise of saving the lives of millions of human beings. Quicker and cheaper testing procedures and more accurate data will speed the assessment of these risks of chemicals and provide the means of creating new drugs and other interventions to secure our own health. In short, it’s a win-win for both our fellow creatures and human beings.
The public may be largely unaware of the fact that Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union acknowledges that “since animals are sentient beings” the formulation and implementation of EU policies must “pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals, while respecting the legislative or administrative provisions and customs of the Member States relating in particular to religious rites, cultural traditions and regional heritage.”
With new state-of-the-art research-testing models, there is no longer any need to subject millions and millions of animals to inhumane testing in research laboratories. It is time now to quickly phase out vivisection research in laboratories across the European Union. The STOP VIVESECTION Citizen’s Initiative takes Europe and the world into a new era where we extend our empathic sensibility to our fellow creatures, recognizing their inherent right to exist and flourish alongside our species here on Earth.
Jeremy Rifkin is an adviser to the European Union and to heads of state around the world. He is president of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, D.C.
Statement supporting European Directive 2010/63/EU (“Directive”) on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes
The European Parliament and Commission must oppose the ‘Stop Vivisection’ Citizens’ Initiative that is seeking to repeal the Directive and ban animal research. The Directive is vital to ensure that necessary research involving animals can continue whilst requiring enhanced animal welfare standards.
Summary: The use of animals in research has facilitated major breakthroughs in medicine which have transformed human and animal health. We support research using animals where alternative methods are not available, where the potential benefits to health are compelling, and where acceptable ethical and welfare standards can be met. The Directive has enhanced animal welfare standards and introduced the concepts of refinement, replacement and reduction (‘3Rs’) across the EU, while ensuring Europe remains a world leader in biomedical research. The ‘Stop Vivisection’ Citizens’ Initiative must be opposed by the European Parliament and the Commission - repealing the Directive would represent a major step backwards both for animal welfare in the EU and for Europe’s leading role in advancing human and animal health.
Research using animals has enabled major advances in the understanding of biology and has contributed to the development of nearly every type of treatment used in medical and veterinary practice today. Research on animals continues to be necessary to understand human and animal health and disease, and to develop and improve treatments for patient benefit across the world.
Animals may be used in research under the Directive where the potential medical, veterinary and scientific benefits are compelling and there is no viable alternative method. The use of animals for testing cosmetic products was banned across the EU in 2009 and the importation and sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals from outside the EU was completely banned in 2013.
For research using animals to be both ethical and scientifically rigorous, it must meet high welfare standards and the implementation of the Directive is key in achieving these standards consistently across the EU. Shaped by consultation with animal welfare groups, scientists and animal technologists, the Directive importantly embeds into EU legislation the requirement to consider the 3Rs when using animals in research. The 3Rs are:
• Replacement – methods which avoid or replace the use of animals;
• Reduction - methods which minimise the number of animals used per experiment;
• Refinement – methods which minimise any suffering and improve animal welfare.
Developments for alternative methods to the use of animals in research, such as use of human cell models and computer modelling, continue to progress and the biosciences sector must continue to drive these forward. However, alternative methods are not able to fully replace the use of animals at this time. For many diseases, including complex conditions such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes, which affect multiple organs, we must understand how the whole organism interacts, which means that research using whole animals continues to be essential.
We call on the European Parliament and Commission to reaffirm their commitment to the Directive. Any roll back from this would both undermine animal welfare and compromise high-quality research using animals. Such research is critical to advancing human and animal health in the EU and globally -and to maintaining Europe’s leading role in that endeavour.
Jeremy Rifkin
Il superamento della sperimentazione animale nell'Unione Europea
Traduzione di Giorgio Tomasi
A volte i grandi cambiamenti sociali volano al di sotto degli schermi radar. È ciò che sta avvenendo in questo momento in tutta l'Unione Europea. In tutti i paesi europei, infatti, sta prendendo slancio un movimento dal basso di cittadini per fermare la pratica insensata di sottoporre milioni di animali a sofferenze, dolore e morte nella sperimentazione di sostanze chimiche tossiche che influiscono sulla salute umana.
La campagna STOP VIVISECTION ( si basa sull’articolo 11 del Trattato europeo, che sancisce il diritto di presentare Iniziative dei Cittadini Europei (ICE) per mobilitare un ampio sostegno popolare su un tema di competenza dell’UE. Nell'ambito della procedura, se un milione di cittadini europei di almeno un quarto degli Stati membri la firmano, un’Iniziativa dei Cittadini può essere inviata automaticamente alla Commissione Europea sotto forma di proposta di legge, dando così ai cittadini lo stesso diritto formale del Parlamento Europeo e del Consiglio Europeo di proporre interventi legislativi.
L’iniziativa STOP VIVISECTION ha già raccolto più di 900.000 firme da tutta Europa e manca poco perchè raggiunga e superi 1 milione di firme.
Per anni, governi, aziende e ricercatori hanno sostenuto che gli esperimenti sugli animali per valutare il rischio delle sostanze chimiche per la salute umana sono fondamentali per garantire il benessere della nostra specie. Ora, invece, nuove scoperte nel campo della genomica, della bioinformatica, dell’epigenetica e della tossicologia computazionale stanno fornendo nuovi strumenti di ricerca per studiare le conseguenze delle sostanze chimiche tossiche sulla salute umana, che sono di gran lunga più precisi nella valutazione del rischio di queste sostanze per gli esseri umani. Le associazioni antivivisezioniste e le organizzazioni per i diritti degli animali hanno sostenuto questo concetto per molti, molti anni, solo per essere disprezzate da organismi scientifici, associazioni mediche e dalle lobby industriali che le accusano di essere “contro il progresso” e di tenere più agli animali che alle persone. Ora è il mondo della scienza – fatto alquanto interessante – ad essere giunto alle stesse conclusioni.
Alcuni anni fa, il National Research Council della National Academy of Sciences USA – il principale organismo scientifico negli Stati Uniti – ha condotto un ampio studio per capire se e quanto sia ancora utile sottoporre milioni di animali a test di tossicità. Secondo i risultati della ricerca, e questa è una citazione “i test attuali forniscono poche informazioni sulle modalità e sui meccanismi d’azione che sono fondamentali per la comprensione delle differenze interspecie della tossicità, e poche o nessuna informazione per valutare la variabilità e la sensibilità negli esseri umani”. In altre parole, milioni di animali ogni anno vengono sottoposti a sofferenze insensate e messi a morte nonostante i test forniscano pochissime informazioni per la valutazione del rischio di queste sostanze chimiche per gli esseri umani. I test di tossicità sugli animali sono semplicemente scienza di infima categoria.
Il resoconto della National Academy of Sciences degli Stati Uniti afferma che le nuove tecnologie all'avanguardia offrono adesso per la prima volta la possibilità di ottenere dati più precisi sull’esposizione al rischio chimico. Infatti, gli autori del rapporto affermano “nel corso del tempo la necessità di condurre sperimentazione animale dovrebbe essere notevolmente ridotta, e forse anche eliminata”. Buone notizie per le creature che vivono insieme a noi.
Le nuove metodologie di analisi della tossicità risparmieranno la vita di milioni di animali e allo stesso tempo manterranno la promessa di salvare la vita di milioni di esseri umani. Procedure di sperimentazione più rapide e più economiche e dati più precisi accelereranno la valutazione dei rischi dei prodotti chimici e forniranno gli strumenti per la creazione di nuovi farmaci e di altri interventi per garantire la nostra salute. In breve, questa nuova prospettiva porterà vantaggi sia per gli animali , sia per gli esseri umani.
Le persone possono essere in gran parte ignare del fatto che l'articolo 13 del Trattato sul Funzionamento dell'Unione Europea riconosce che “poiché gli animali sono esseri senzienti”, la formulazione e l'attuazione delle politiche comunitarie devono “tenere conto delle esigenze in materia di benessere degli animali, nel rispetto delle disposizioni legislative o amministrative e delle consuetudini degli Stati membri riguardanti in particolare i riti religiosi, le tradizioni culturali e il patrimonio regionale”.
Con i nuovi modelli di ricerca e sperimentazione, non vi è più alcuna necessità di sottoporre milioni e milioni di animali alla sperimentazione disumana nei laboratori di ricerca. È giunto il momento di eliminare rapidamente le ricerche con vivisezione nei laboratori di tutta l'Unione Europea. L’Iniziativa popolare europea STOP VIVISECTION porta l'Europa e il mondo in una nuova era in cui estendiamo la nostra sensibilità empatica per le creature simili a noi, riconoscendo il loro diritto innato di esistere e di crescere insieme alla nostra specie qui sulla Terra.
Jeremy Rifkin è consigliere per l'Unione Europea e per i capi di Stato di tutto il mondo. È presidente della Foundation on Economic Trends a Washington.